Monday, March 27, 2006

Surprise, Surprise. The Facts Really WERE Arranged Around the War.

You just have to give the Bush Regime credit. You no sooner think that it has reached an ultimate low and then we learn something that is even more depraved, more dishonest, and more manipulative than we had ever thought possible.
I am referring to the most recent Downing Street Memo which discloses a 31 January 2003 meeting between George W. Bush and The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

For hose of you who missed are interested, this memo (which is not receiving enough coverage from the Republican Propaganda machine that we laughingly call the mainstream media) reveals Bush in his true, murderous colors as he informed the British Prime Minister that he (Bush) had already made up his mind to go to war: regardless of what the weapons inspectors or the United Nations had to say about it. And to make the situation even more disgusting, Bush actually went so far as to suggest that we paint UW reconnaissance planes in United Nations colors in the hope that the Iraqis would shoot at it, thus persuading the UN to back the invasion that Bush had already decided to start.

In the past some of our critics have railed--often hysterically--because I have dared to compare the political tactics that were employed by the Bush regime to the Nazis during both, their rise to power and their march to war. And on a certain level I can understand why the blind, fanatical and easily duped would be offended. No one wants to admit that they have blood on their hands. No one wants to admit that they have been supportive of a corrupt, illegitimate regime which cannot live up to western standards of decency. But the fact of the matter is that Bush, for all his denials and blathering, has in fact emulated Adolf Hitler.

Bush wanted to provoke a war through a staged event, to provoke an attack on a fake UN airplane. Hitler employed a fake attack by fake Polish soldiers on a German radio station near the German-Polish border.

Said William L. Shirer

"Good propaganda, to be effective, as Hitler and Goebbels had learned from experience, needs more than words. It needs deeds, however much they have to be fabricated. Having convinced the German people...that the Poles had rejected Hitler's generous peace offer, there remained only the concocting of a deed which would 'prove that not Germany, but Poland, had attacked first.

"For the last shady business, it will be remembered the Germans, at Hitler's direction, had made careful preparations. For six days Alfred Naujocks, the intellectual SS ruffian, had been waiting at Gleiwitz on the Polish border to out a simulated Polish attack on the German radio station there. The plan had been revived. SS men outfitted in Polish Army uniforms were to do the shooting, and drugged concentration camp inmates were to be left dying as 'casualties'--this last delectable part of the operation had, as we have seen, the code name 'Canned Goods.' There were to be several such 'Polish Attacks' but the principal one was to be on the radio station at Gleiwitz." *

Now fast forward to the year 2003. After months of denial, the new memo reveals that Bush was determined to go to war, that the date had been set for either on or around March 10th, and that he wanted to "arrange" the diplomacy around the military objectives. And to make matters worse, Bush spoke candidly, stating that he did not expect to find weapons of mass destruction. This, surprise surprise, was the situation in 1939 when Hitler had already made up his mind to invade Poland. Like 2003, the diplomacy in 1939 had been arranged around Hitler's intention to wage war on a sovereign state.

What else can I say? This Administration is hopeless. I used to to think it was inept, that what we saw from George W. Bush and his inner circle of enablers was the result of Dry Drunk Syndrome. Then I thought it was sociopathic. Now I have decided that it is both. inept and sociopathic.

And if you ask me that is a definition of evil. How low can this administration go? I'm beginning to think that it's the only administration in the history of the American Republic which will find the bottom of a bottomless pit.

*Quote from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
A History of Nazi Germany
By William L. Shirer
Pages 594-595
Simon and Schuster, New York, 1960

Monday, March 20, 2006

All Good Things...

As the old saying goes, "all good things must come to an end."

When Danny and Brandon asked me to join Coalition I had no idea that my business would consume so much time, although I should have known better. I'm sure many of you know how difficult it can be--trying to run a successful enterprise and managing a personal life at the same time.

This is the situation in which I find myself. So, rather than sit by and do almost nothing while my mates carry all the water and wonder why I'm not living up to their expectations, I have opted to submit by resignation at the present time.

I want to thank all of you for the opportunity, even though I didn't get a chance to use it on a regular basis. I wish all of you the best of luck, and who knows? You may even see me in your commentary forum from time to time.

Thank you again,


Saturday, March 18, 2006


I thought our readers would want to know that Danny Gallagher has been in the hospital for a few days with an unusually stubborn case of pneumonia. Advocate 1, Kelli, and I went to see him last night and he's doing a little better but he certainly doesn't feel up to running any races for the time being.
On the bright side, he is expected to make a full recovery and he'll be back here with his Coalition friends when he has fully recovered. Pneumonia tends to be a little tricky. If you don't rest, drink your fluids, and do what the good old doctor says you should, you can relapse very quickly and very easily. With that in mind I'm sure that you will all join me in wishing Danny a full recovery no matter how long it takes.
From the crew at the Coalition for a Republican-Free America...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

ODDS AND ENDS,: An Impromptu Rant From The Left

The following is an excerpt from a speech which George W. Bush delivered to a closed session of the United States Senate on February 29, 2006.

"It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy... I love America... I am mild by nature, and I do not desire to see the destruction of democracy. The power you give me I will lay down when this crisis has abated, I promise you...We stand on the threshold of a new beginning! In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the American Republic will be reorganized into the first American Empire, for a safe and secure society which I assure you will last for ten thousand years. An empire that will continue to be ruled by this august body, and by myself as the sovereign ruler chosen for life . An empire ruled by the majority. Ruled by a Christian constitution for millennium to come."*

Only later, when the dark night of theocracy spread itself across the face of the former American Republic did the people realize the true nature of George W. Bush, did they respond and take action. But by that time it was too late. The Imperial instinct had been deeply ingrained, and the...

All right, it probably isn't quite that bad--at least not yet--but only a fool can deny that this country is taking very real and troubling steps towards totalitarianism. As a continuation of Halcyon67's post, We Need New Democractic Senators, I would suggest that the last thing we need is two Republican Parties. Like Halcyon, I am disgusted by the compliant behavior of the Democractic Party as it crawls into bed with its Republican counterpart. And to connect Halcyon's post about the Democractic Senators with my satirical opening about the Stars Wars Trilogies, I would remind our readers that we are at a vital junction in our nation's history and that the so called "loyal opposition" is doing its best to emulate the ruling regime in Washington.

I'm sorry, but it seems to me that the Democractic Party has all the backbone of Jello on a hotplate. In Russ Feingold's effort to censure George W. Bush for his crimes against the American Constitution, we have a very mild and moderate method by which we can remind both, George W. Bush and the American people, that this is a Representative Republic, a Constitutional government with a legal separation of powers. The Feingold solution does not put the entire country through the exhaustive, hand wringing experience of an impeachment; it does not send the President to jail; it does not demand that he make financial restitution; in fact, it does very little to him. But it does remind him, and his backers, and the American people, that the executive branch is only one of three branches of government. This may come as a shock and a revelation to the Republicans--and perhaps to a good number of democrats--but this is not a one branch system of government. The United States of America is based on a separation of powers. The President is only an elected official, and a temporary one at that. Despite right wing distortions of the framing document, he does not have the right to break the law. Not even during a time of war. Unfortunately, the United States Senate doesn't get this.

We saw the true nature of the United States Senate when Senator Pat Roberts gave his beloved President a pass on the domestic spying scandal. Not to be outdone, the Democrats have now backstabbed one of their own as they relenquish more power to the President of the United States. I know, I know, we're talking about Senator Feingold, but the issues are related. Instead of backing a viable alternative to the corruption that has been coming out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since January 2001, the Democractic Senators have again acquiesced to the right, this time betraying one of their own kind.

And the thing that frightens me the most is that I am no longer surprised by any of this. Disgusted? Yes. Angered? You betcha. But surprised? Not in the least. You'd think that at some point the Senators, both Democractic and Republican would tell themselves: "I am an American first. I swore to uphold and defend the American Constitution. I believe in the rule of law and the Bill of Rights." After that, they might just tell themselves: "I am an American Senator, I have a duty to this august body." And, at some point you might even expect them to say something to the effect of: "I have a duty to the American people."

But this isn't happening. Instead they ask what they can do for themselves. They ask what they can do to avoid confrontation. They ask how they can place more power in the hands of an already too powerful presidency. And then they expect us to behave as if this were all normal.

Well, friends and neighbor's, I have news for everyone. This is not normal.

America is not a global empire; America is not a theocracy; America is not a dictatorship; America is not a totalitarian power. For the time being at least, we are still a Representative Republic. And yet, the Democratic Party is behaving in a manner which is almost guaranteed to produce more defeats and set backs in the 2006 elections.

In 2000 they ran a wet dish rag of a candidate who didn't even have the courage to challenge the end results of a very corrupt electoral process. In 2002 they didn't have the courage nor the intelligence to defend themselves against outrageous accusations of treason. In 2004 they ran yet another wet dish rag for president, who both, failed to distinguish himself from the regime in Washington, and who failed to respond when his character was smeared by a pack of congenital liars. And now the Democrats--who are acting more like Country Club Republicans than bona fide liberals--are making the same stupid mistakes which have brought them nothing but defeat since the year 2000.

Fellow liberals, fellow Democrats, allow me explain a few facts of life. Since you seem to be too self-involved, or too cowardly, or too obtuse to figure this out for yourselves, I shall endeavor to point the way for you. We do not need two Republican Parties. The one we have is bad enough, we don't need to double our misery by emulating them in any way, shape or form.

To paraphrase the late President Harry Truman, if you run a real Democrat against a real Republican, the real Democrat will almost invariably win. But if you run a real Republican against a phony Republican, the real Republican will almost invariably win.

Which brings me back to the topic at hand.

Why, why, are Democrats so scared to differentiate themselves from the President and his very sociopathic party? Look at the President's approval ratings. Depending on the poll in question we're talking about 34 to 38 percent. Vice President Dick Cheney is hovering at the 18 to 20 percent mark. I can understand the temptaion to sit back and allow the Republicans to implode, but I would remind the readers that doing nothing is not an option. We cannot replace something with nothing. We need to state our arguments. We need to tell the American people, prove to the American people, that we can do a lot better than we're doing right now.

We know that clean air and fresh water are superior to smoke-filled air and toxic lakes. We know that providing health insurance for each and every American is better than allowing more than 40 million Americans to go uninsured. We know that clean government is better than corruption. We know that government of the people, by the people, and for the people is better than an oligarchy of the unelected, corporate few. We know that people should be rewarded for hard work and we know that it is not immoral to help people when they're down and out. But to listen to my fellow Democrats as they run from their liberal values and take cover under the sheets with the nearest Republican/corporate whore, you'd think that we were living in a one [Republican] Party system.

So let me say this to my fellow Democrats. I do not want to be a Republican. I do not want to be ruled by a Republican Oligarchy, and I do not--repeat, DO NOT--want the Democratic Party to behave like the Republican Party. I want to hear precise, easy to understand arguments which explain why our policies are superior to the failed policies of the Bush administration, corporate America, and the Radical Christian Right. I want to support a party that does not tell me that government should be run like a business, but I DO want to support a party which tells the American people that the business of government is good, clean democracy.

Take my word for it. Cowardace didn't work in 2000; it didn't work in 2002; it didn't work in 2004 and it will not work in 2006. We can't beat something with nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, we need to express your ideas. We need to present yourselves as a viable alternatives to the bizarre collection of megalomaniacs and power addicts which we currently call the Bush Administration.

We do not need another Republican Party.

*Quotes paraphrased from:




Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Will the Catholic Church EVER Get Real?

In the Vatican's ongoing attempt to create a world wide theocracy over the dead body of representative government, the Archdiocese in Boston is now seeking permission to skirt Massachusetts State Adoption Laws which forbid discrimination against gays and lesbians.

Why does this not surprise me? This after all was the same church (some might call it a foreign power) which assisted Bush during the 2004 campaign. Should we really be surprised by the fact that a foreign power which influenced an American election would now chime in on the side of the hate mongering right which is opening persecuting gays and lesbians in its terrorist campaign to achieve supremacy in the United States of America? Probably not. But the thing that annoys me is that while the Catholic Church in Rome, and its knuckle-dragging followers here in the United States are trying to revive the Catholic War against freedom and tolerance, the United States government is both, giving financial assistance to Catholic Schools and granting tax free status to a foreign power which is openly trying to undermine American civil liberties and democracy in general.

How many times have we heard the following argument?

We can't listen to what a majority of American Catholics believe about birth control; we can't give men and women control over their own reproduction rights because the church is not a democratic institution.

And yet, for reasons which defy explanation, the United States government is allowing this fifth column to get off Scott free, granting it tax free status and supporting Catholic Madrases--ur ah Parochial Schools-- so that right wing religious fanatics can drag us back to the bad old days when the Church was waging a war against modernity--modernity including everything from the right of labor unions to peacefully assemble to freedom of religion on which our religious liberty is founded.

Instead of supporting an organization which places the values of theocracy, and hate-mongering over democracy and tolerance, we should strip the Catholic Church of its tax free status, cut off all funding to Catholic institutions, and then treat this over-glorified cult in the same way that we would treat a corrupt political organization. If the church wants to meddle in our democratic process, and if it wants to grab temporal power while it hides behind a cloak of Christian hypocrisy, then we can ignore the "Christian" double talk and concentrate on the political dirty tricks for which the current Pope is so well known.

Whether it's Roman Catholicism or American Fundamentalism, or the unholy alliance between the right wing elements thereof, it's time to send a message to religious institutions in general. If you're going to get political, and if you're going to use the power of your church to undermine the United States government and its political process, you should be prepared to give up your unfairly protected status.



PS. For more about the Catholic Church, adoption, and homosexuals, please see the following articles.

Bishops to Oppose Adoption by Gays


Bishops Dealt Setback in Pursuit of Gay Adoption Exemption



Monday, March 13, 2006


            Donald Rumsfeld's Loony Strike Force Band



Based on "Sergeant Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band"


By John Lennon and Paul McCartney.   


New lyrics by Jeff and Brandon


It was 30 months ago tonight

Donald Rummy sent the boys to fight

And he says he's never gonna be foiled

But we know it's all about the oil

So may we introduce to you

The lies you've known for all these years!

Donald Rum'feld's Loony Strike Force Band!


They're Donald Rum'felds Loony Strike Force Band

They hope you will enjoy his war

They're Donald Rum'feld's loony Strike Force Band

They're laughing as they go too far!


Donald Rum'feld's Loony

Donald Rum'feld's Loony

Donald Rum'feld's Loony Strike Force Band


It's horrible to be there

They sure do love to kill

We're such a trusting foolish bunch

They want a brand now power bass

They want to stay in power!


They don't really wanna stop the war!

And they're never gonna stop the gore!

So people go along for now

No one's ever gonna ask him how


So let us introduce to you

The lies we've known for all these years

Donald Rum'feld's Loony Strike Force Band!






  To be sung to the tune of "With a Little Help From My Friends,"


by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.   


New lyrics by Jeff and Brandon


What would you do if I told a damned lie?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?

What would you do if I salted the votes?

Would you change the old rules to help me?


I get off with a Tom Delay from my friends

I get off with a couple lies from my friends

I'll play golf with a little help from my friends


What would you do if I redrew the lines

Does it worry you to think I'd win?

How do you feel when I toss out the rules?

Will the court still try and stick its nose in?


No I get off with a Tom Delay from my friends

I get off with a couple lies from my friends

Going to bribe with a little help from my friends


Did I fool anybody?

Enough to Speak for the House

I deceive everybody!

They'll never know I'm a louse


Would you believe I'm a really nice guy

If I handed you a couple of thou?

What would you do if I threatened a judge?

Would you bother to ask why and how?


Oh I get off with a Delay from my friends!

Oh I get off with a couple lies from my friends!

Going to bribe with a little help from my friends


I don't need anybody!

The Congress can go straight to hell

I'm above everybody 

I'll get a new lie to sell


Oh I get off with a Delay from my friends

Oh I get off with a couple lies from my friends

Going to bribe with a little help from my friends

Oh get off with a little help from my friends

With a Delay from my friends!





Based on "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds"


By John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New lyrics by Jeff and Brandon


Picture yourself on a hospital daybed

A tube in your side, your E.E.G . flat

Suddenly someone is there his morals

A Neocon says, "You can't die just yet."

Monitors beeping, machines pump your blood,

Oxygen goes to your head

Your body is living,your brain is done in

You're not gone



Keeping you alive to suffer!

Keeping you alive for nothing!

Keeping you alive for ever

Ohhhh ohhhhh


Instruments prodding and needles are poking

Doctors and nurses are keeping you here

Suddenly Congress is there with an order

The right wing breeds more hate and fear

Machines do your breathing, you can't on your own

Your kidney shut down long ago

Your heart never beats machines do that too

You're not gone



Repeat CHORUS and fade







Based on"Strawberry Fields Forever"


By John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New Lyrics by Jeff and Brandon



Let me drag you down

Where you're goin' to

Iraqi fields

Oil surreal

It's something we can fight about

Iraqi fields forever


Life ain't so easy after one-one

We live in fear of all we see

We're a democracy but we're getting it all wrong

We'll never let you disagree




Living is simple with blinds on

No massive weapons that you can see

We say we're going there to bring a tyrant down

What's gonna be is gonna be




Bechtel has fun with a war on

But Haliburton plays for free

The bodies pile high and I guess that it's kinda wrong

Don't really matter much to me




Fading instrumental overdubbed with clips and snippets of Bush speeches






 Based on "Yellow Submarine"


By John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New Lyrics by Jeff and Brandon


In the town where George was born

No one told him what he should be

But he threw away his life

Smoking weed that was so green

So he prayed unto the Son

But he found the old Regime

And he ruled as if reborn

In a land that wasn't free



We all live in a Nazi loony bin!

A Nazi loony bin!

A Nazi loony bin!

U.S.A. is a Nazi loony bin!

A Nazi loony bin!

A Nazi loony bin


And his friends are all adored

Only one of them, a m,ale wore

And the press begins to sing


[Opening bars of Deutschland Deutschland Uber Alles played by an out of tune German marching band, then directly into....]


CHORUS, leading directly into...


[Instrumental performance of the opening verse overdubbed with excerpts from a Nazi Party Rally, replete with Hitler bellowing and a crowd shouting "Sieg Heil!   Seig Heil!"  This is to be overdubbed with the sounds of Stuka's dive bombing, machine gun fire, and bombs exploding, leading directly back into....]


And the times are full of sleaze

While the Neocons do as they please

And he lives a life of ease

Killing young G.I.s can be a breeze



Repeat CHORUS and fade






Based on"Baby You're A Rich Man"


by John Lennon and Paul McCartney


By the Coalition for a Republican-Free America


How would you like to be?
One of the feminine people?

Now that we know just what you are?

Who do you want to be?

Now that you're following a star

Acting so unnaturally


How would you like to be

One of the feminine people?

Preaching your hypocrisy

What do you want to say

Being the gal you hope to be

Hoping to find your way



Tranny you're a switch ma'am

Coulter you're a bitch, ma'am

Were you once a butch man too?

You keep all your hormones on a bathroom shelf

All by yourself, all for yourself

Tranny you're a witch ma'am

Coulter you're a bitch ma'am

Were you once a butch man too?


Why are your hands too big

Why is your voice so deep?

Now that you've gone so far away

Half truth is your fine art

Telling us that you haven't changed

Taking the facts apart








Based on "Piggies

By George Harrison

New Lyrics by Jeff and Brandon


Have you seen the GOPiggies

Screwing up our rights?
All we see are GOPiggies

Making a new Reich

Have the Bill of Rights to fuck around with


Hear the Bible-thumping piggies

Tell us what to do

Are you tired of GOPiggies

Bitching me and you

Always have a group to spew their hate at


In the House with right wing backing

They pass laws that keep people down

Listen to the lines they're cracking

In their minds there's something lacking!


Watching all the GOPiggies

Messing up the world
Neocons and GOPiggies

Chaos in a swirl

Always find a way to spread their hatred



Based on "Norweigian Wood"

By John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New lyrics by Daniel and Brandon


I just found a God

Or should I say

Jesus found me

He taught me to prey

It's not too late

Isn't it great?


He told me to preach and he told me to bitch ev'ry where

I use the Good Book and it told me to hate but not share


Now I disdain blacks

Mexicans too

No love for Jews

And I spit on fags

Never ask why

Just let 'em die


Yes Jesus has changed me, The Lord God has shown me his work'

My friends have all left me they think I've become such a jerk.


What else can I do?

All things will pass

Kissing God's ass

So, I prey all day

Seething in hate

Isn't it great?





Based on "Yesterday"


By John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New lyrics by Jeff and Brandon



George was wasted nearly ev'ry day

But the High Court said he's here to stay?
Oh George sure likes to get his way.


Ever more

In election year two thousand four

The Swifty Liars did a whole lot more

And threw away the votes galore


How he came to win we're not sure, he will not say

George did something wrong, now the ass is here to stay



George ain't the Christian that he claimed to be

Praising policies of brute savagery

Oh George turned Reich wing suddenly




Ever more

Now they cozy up with male whores

Give the right wing press a whole lot more

To make him Fuhrer ever more






Based on "Can't Buy Me Love"


by John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New lyrics by Brandon


Can buy me power!

Oh  Power

Can buy me power!


I'll buy a Congressman my friend

if it gets me what I need!

I'll pay a couple thousand bucks

I don't care if it looks like greed

Cause I sure do, love to count the money

Money can buy me power

I'll give you a little extra cash

If you give me tax cuts too

Youi know I got a lot to give

I'm so deeply into you


I sure do love to count the money

Money can buy me power

Can buy me power

Listen as I tell you so

Can buy me power

Yeah yeah yeah-yeah


Say you'll vote the way I tell you too

To keep me satisfied

Say you'll pass the kind of right wing bills

That cash can surely buy


I sure do love to count the money

Money can buy me power

Buy me power

Listen as I tell you so

Can buy me power

Yeah yeah yeah-yeah


Say you don't want no clean air too

I'll help you on the take

Say you don't want pure water too

More poisons in your lakes

I sure love to count the money

Money can buy me power

Can buy me power

Oh power

Bouy me power yeah!







Based on "When I'm Sixty-Four"


by John Lennon and Paul McCartney


by Jeff and Brandon


When I get older

Losing my home

Not too long from now

Will you still be sending a security check

Will the system be broken to heck?

If I'm broke with noting to eat

Would you give me jive

Would you still pay me?

Would you delay me?

When I'm sixty-five



You'll be broken tooo

And if you get smart now

Social can stay too.


I could go begging, hat in my hand

When the checks are gone

Maybe eat some cat food from the doggie dish

Hoping, praying, make a new wish

Lighting a candle, the power is off

Trying to stay alive

Will you still pay me?
Will you delay me?

When I'm sixty-five


Every winter we can beg a shelter from

     the County Home if its not to near

Food stamps are all done

Thank you Necons


Scrimping on clothing

Dropping the meds

Feeling not too well

Indicate exactly what you mean to pay

Getting weary, passing away


Send me an answer,

Mail a form

While I'm still alive

Will you still pay me?
Will you delay me?

When I'm sixty-five?





Based on "The Continuing Story ofBungalow Bill"


By John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New lyrics by Brandon and Danny



Hey, Lord of the Kill!

Did what you will

George of the Kill

Hey, Lord of the Kill

Did what you will,

George of the Kill


He went campaigning with a smirk, a lie, and Carl Rove

He broke the bottle and he prayed to God above

But found a gospel based on hate instead of love

Listen to the lies




He said he would unify he never would divide

And then we went to war with facts he could not hide

More people die each day, George takes it all in stride

Listen to the lies




He said we'd wage a war for weapons that weren't there

He said we'd fight this thing 'cause Hussein couldn't care

If it's for Freedom I wish he'd leave a little here!

Listen to the lies


Repeat CHORUS and fade



Repeat CHORUS and fade







Based on "All You Need is Love"


By John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New Lyrics by Daniel Gallagher


(Opening fanfare, opening bars of " Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles" on trumpets and brass, leading directly into....)


God!  Gays!  Guns! 

God!   Gays!  Guns!

God!   Gays!  Guns!


Leaders as we know can all be bought

Take the cash and run but don't get caught

Bitch about the queers and say they're only so depraved

It's easy!


Hear the NRA and you'll be saved

Praise Our God and bitch about the gays

Hear the NRA and you'll forever go insane

It's easy!



All you need is God!

All you need is guns!

All you need is God, guns

Bitch about the gays



Thank the NRA you're so depraved

Thank the Sweet Lord God that you've been saved

It's fun to skirt the issues when you can hide behind three G's

It's easy!   


All you need is God!

All you need is guns!

All you need is God, guns

Bitch about the gays


All you need is God!

All you need is guns!

All you need is God, Guns!

Bitch about the gays.



God is all you need

Guns are all you need,

God is all you need

Guns are all you need,

(We hate you Yeah! Yeah!   Yeah!

We hate you Yeah!   Yeah!  Yeah!)

God is all you need

Guns are all we need....






Based on Sergeant Pepper Inner Grove


By John Lennon and Paul McCartney


New lyrics by Brandon


We like like hell to get our way

We like like hell to get out way

we like like hell to get our way....